Care Services
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Over 30 years of providing quality home care
Care Services
We specialize in providing skilled, personalized support for patients of all ages and needs. Whether your needs are long term or short, gives us a call at Better Home Health Care because there’s no place like home.
Coordination of the Following:
- Wound care/dressing/changes
Diabetes management
Catheter care Enemas
Private Duty Services:- Companions for In-Patients: be there with you while you are in the hospital to assist you when needed
- Companions for Special Events: makes bringing your loved ones to family gatherings easier
- Companions in Hospitals, Rehabs and Assisted Living
Day-to-Day Activities
- Bathing, grooming & dressing services
- Skin care & hair care
- Oral hygiene
- Plan, cook & serve and/or feed meals
- Help with special diets
- Light housekeeping
- Weekly laundry & ironing
- Linen changes
- Help with walking, bed to chair transfer
Assistance with all necessary ADL’s
Health Monitoring & Remind Services:
Health & Monitor vital signs, Blood pressure checks, “Wake-up” and “Tuck-in” service (sunrise and sunset)
Respite Care and Social Support
- Sensitive companionship and friendly conversation
- Shopping and errands
- Emotional support
- Incidental transport in your vehicle and escort to doctor’s appointments, church, social events, etc.
- Help plan and coordinate moderate entertainment
- Monitor conditions in and around the home
- Help with correspondence and reading to provide personal stimulation
- Organise personal paperwork
- Regularly inform family members of care experiences